Rebedding a whole house dechlorinator

Our new rental house came with a 8x40 Kinetico dechlorinator in the garage, next to a Kinetico dual tank water softener system. The dechlorinator is basically an 8" diameter container that is 40" tall, about 3/4 full of granulated activated charcoal (GAC). As the water flows up from the bottom of the container through the GAC, chlorine is removed from the water. However, the GAC only lasts for a finite time before it needs to be replaced. The specs for a similar dechlorinator say something about 60,000 gallons of water can be treated, but it depends on the amount of chlorine in the water. Since the system is 12 years old, I am going to change out the charcoal bed. The dechlorinator is the black bottle on the left. The two black bottles on the right are a 2-bottle water softener system that works in conjunction with the brine tank on the left. The left bottle shows the 2 water pipes going to the dechlorinator. Release them by pushing up the metal pin in the metal brac...