
Showing posts from December, 2007

Faith - the only means to ascertain truth

I recently ran across a blog written by a person who had lost their faith. They were talking about prayer and stated, "It became obvious to me that I was talking to the air- no answers, no response of any kind...Being a scientist, I dug into the literature for any studies on the efficacy of prayer. Lo and behold, there were actual, controlled studies that had been done. And the result? Drum roll, please….. nada, nil, zip, zilch, zero… no efficacy at all." Below was my response.

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

I hate Santa Claus. Every year when Christmas comes around, I can't help but think that Santa is next to the devil. Before you flame me, please realize I'm not saying that Santa is bad, or that "Saint" Nicholas was not a good, godly man.