
Showing posts from October, 2008

Why Many Evolutionists Will Never Believe...

An internet blog comment yesterday reads: I am now making the offer of 100 gazillionmilliontrillion dollars and a steak to one single person or group to definitively prove the existence of a creator God or creation at all. The ground: - Must be physical proof that science will never be able to refute. - Must be proof that logic cannot defy. - Must have God itself present said proof. By 8bithero on October 14, 2008 8:33 PM At first glance, it sounds like an innocent question. But this is like saying, "I will only believe in God if he exists on a playing field of my own definition. Here's the playing field: Referencing only physical proof, prove the supernatural exists." But the logic is skewed. The logic problem is clearly seen when posing the same argument in the other direction: "Referencing only the supernatural, prove the physical universe exists." Essentially we've carefully padded our challenge against failure by insisting up front that all e

It's Fire Prevention Week

Just wanted to let you know that this week is Fire Prevention Week. Per the official NFPA sign below, you are encouraged to "prevent home fires October 5-11, 2008". You may start home fires any other week.

Private Profits and Social Losses

I think this is an interesting article. The tack that our country has taken, to privatize profits yet socialize losses , puts the burden for someone else's mistakes squarely on the shoulders of you the taxpayer. Now that bank CEOs can no longer pay for their plush offices with remote-controlled La-Z-Boy, now I must make the La-Z-Boy payments myself. But I'm still not allowed to sit in the chair and enjoy its benefits. Yet when that CEO makes a good decision and makes a profit, he doesn't have to share it with me - he gets to keep it all to himself and his company. So at its core, this is Middle-Ages Feudalism, where us peasants (American Middle Class) have no choice but to pay to insure the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I agree that it is difficult to gauge the proper balance of government regulation of economic industries. But on the other token, I'm against socialized welfare to cover other people's bad decisions. It just perpetuates the myth that many Ameri