How to change Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7L 2001-2006 timing belt (DIY)

The Hyundai dealer will charge you $600 plus tax to change your 2.7L Santa Fe timing belt. Is it worth 6 or 7 hours of your time to save $500? Well, the belt itself will cost you only $90 at the dealer (ask for a 10% discount on the part). (I don't recommend using an off-brand belt. Why skimp just to save $20, when you're putting in 6 hours of labor, and a failed belt will trash your engine's valves?) So if you'd gladly put in 6 hours of labor to "earn" $500, read on. I have a 2002 Santa Fe 2.7L 2WD, but any 2001-2006 2.7L Santa Fe engine should be pretty identical. Took me about 7 hours to replace the timing belt. One hour was figuring out how to get the crankshaft pulley off - the instructions below will save you that aggravation! Replacing the timing belt is not difficult - just a bit time-intensive to remove everything to get to the belt. If you have access to Chilton manuals or AllData, then you can get some pics to go with what I describe below.