Assemblies of God - Redefining the word "Voluntary"

As this Assemblies of God 2011 General Council website banner requests, I am about to make my mark on their movement... The word 'VOLUNTARY'. Does anyone out there know what it means? The big question is, does anyone within the Assemblies of God (AOG) religious organization know what it means? Let's look at a few quotes from their website and constitution, in which I will emphasize the words voluntary and obligatory in all caps. According to the Assemblies of God contribution page, VOLUNTARY commitments may be revised at any time. The page describes automatic monthly contributions as follows: "As your commitment is an agreement between you and God, it is understood that you may revise your commitment at any time." The page also describes 'Faith Promise' donations: "As your Faith Promise is an agreement between you and God, it is understood that you may revise your promise at any time." OK, so it sounds like VOLUNTARY giving is not OBLIG...