Subclassing and Instantiation - Brainchilds of God

Subclassing and instantiation are features of modern object-oriented computer programming languages. The efficiency of this methodology allows the programmer to reuse common code to define new objects. When defining a new object, instead of reinventing the wheel, the new object can inherit properties from an existing object, leaving the programmer only to define the new object's unique aspects. For example: Basic Object: House Its properties: Square feet # of bedrooms House style (ranch/bungalow/colonial) Address Year built Detailed Object: Rental House Its properties: Inherit all the properties of a house (sq ft, # of bedrooms, etc) Monthly rent Lease start date Lease expire date Instantiation is the act of taking one of these definitions and applying it to a specific instance (such as describing a specific rental house). Subclassing and instantiations are truly the brainchild of God. These ingenious features are...