Subclassing and Instantiation - Brainchilds of God

Subclassing and instantiation are features of modern object-oriented computer programming languages. The efficiency of this methodology allows the programmer to reuse common code to define new objects. When defining a new object, instead of reinventing the wheel, the new object can inherit properties from an existing object, leaving the programmer only to define the new object's unique aspects. For example:

Basic Object: House
Its properties:
  • Square feet
  • # of bedrooms
  • House style (ranch/bungalow/colonial)
  • Address
  • Year built
Detailed Object: Rental House
Its properties:
  • Inherit all the properties of a house (sq ft, # of bedrooms, etc)
  • Monthly rent
  • Lease start date
  • Lease expire date
Instantiation is the act of taking one of these definitions and applying it to a specific instance (such as describing a specific rental house).

Subclassing and instantiations are truly the brainchild of God. These ingenious features are evidenced in DNA. Often the DNA sequence for a single gene actually codes for multiple proteins. The way this happens is that a RNA copy of the DNA is made. The RNA copy is then spliced at precise predetermined points by various molecular editing machines. However, sometimes whether or not (or where) this splicing occurs is random (50/50 or 33/33/33). Other times the splicing points are weighted, resulting in a fairly consistent ratio of output proteins. Other times the splicing points are completely predetermined, and not susceptible to outside influence. The resulting "family of proteins" that result from this splicing often have related but separate functions. In this way, DNA code is essentially compacted, and then subclassed in its expression. In humans, the majority of proteins are reliant on this mechanism of splicing to get from gene to protein. The amazing thing about all of this is the body's intricate feedback mechanisms that are constantly maintaining these delicate and precisely-controlled balances necessary for life to work.

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