Working on an Artificial Mind

I think this article on trying to invent a working brain is very interesting:

Click here to read the article.

I enjoyed reading this article. However, my recent reading of "Signature in the Cell" by Stephen Meyer convinces me that Markram's theory (that consciousness is a product of self-organised complexity) is wishful thinking. As Meyer points out, there is a universe of difference between natural patterns and information-bearing (functionally specified) patterns. Markram would be well-served to familiarize himself with Meyer's arguments. Evolutionists have been trying for decades to explain, through naturalistic mechanisms, the origin of biological information and the brain's organization. And all such explanations fail. In my opinion they fail because they are based upon a wrong presumption (naturalism). Let's recognize the brain for what it is: the construct of a mind. The imposition of functionally relevant structure upon matter is the result of engineering. Not chance. Not self-organization. Systems engineers and video game programmers understand that self-organizing systems themselves must be engineered.

But even more interesting are the implications this has for Biblical prophecy. The book of Revelation states that the antichrist's right-hand man, the false prophet, will bring an image of the antichrist to life and make it speak and cause all who will not worship the antichrist to be beheaded. Markram's research may provide key technology to make this happen. As the antichrist (Islamic Mahdi) and the false prophet (Islamic Jesus a.k.a. Isa) perform their false signs and wonders to deceive the world into uniting to follow the antichrist religion of Islam, there will apparently be a union of technology and supernatural signs. The technology appears as a mark in the hand or forehead that is necessary for buying and selling. The supernatural signs appear as fire from heaven and other satanically empowered signs that will deceive all who refused to love the truth (the historical reality of Jesus' death and resurrection, as reported by eyewitnesses whose accounts survive to this day in the Biblical books of Matthew, John, Peter, etc.). Therefore, those who refused to believe the truth will have nothing remaining but a lie to believe. A lie supported by a living, thinking image of the antichrist.

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