Undeserved Mercy and Forgiveness

If we are to err, we should err on the side of mercy and forgiveness. On the one hand, Jesus thought it was important to publicly rebuke the corrupt religious leaders of his day. And so I have done in earlier posts. But since God is able to rescue any local church held in the jaws of ungodly district church leadership; since God is able to build his kingdom out of the ashes of the destruction caused by evil men; since God will one day right all wrongs and correct all injustices...

...today I am removing prior posts that document the gross abuses of the Assemblies of God Michigan District against the churches that God entrusted to it.

Undeserved mercy.

Undeserved forgiveness.

Because there may be a slim chance that they don't realize what they did, just as Jesus prayed for those who crucified him because they didn't know what they were doing. Even though it is extremely unlikely that after 7 years they still don't realize the evil of their actions, maybe there is still a saving grace for them somewhere, somehow. I hope there is a redemption in this for them.



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