The Rights of Criminals Exceed Those of Their Victims

The case of Richard Cooey is ludicrous. The man claims he's too fat to execute. That they wouldn't be able to find his veins easily. That his migraine headache drug may prevent him from fully losing consciousness when injected with thiopental, the drug used to put inmates to sleep prior to administering the actual lethal drugs.  His attorneys say that his resulting execution could be excruciating.

Haven't we missed the entire point? Where is the justice? How is this guy getting what he deserves? How does this circus provide a deterrent to rape and murder? How does it strike fear into the heart of the evildoer?

Richard Cooey objects that his lethal injection might involve some pain. if he is so concerned that people die peacefully and pain-free, he could have offered such a death to the two victims whom he raped, tortured for 3 1/2 hours, and murdered. Perhaps if he's concerned that his headache medicine will interfere with the execution process, perhaps he could go off the medicine and be allowed to suffer a headache for awhile like the rest of us mere mortals. I'm sure he didn't consider the headaches he caused the families of his victims. And what's an inmate doing with state-funded headache medicine? Does the penniless homeless man in Detroit get his headache medicine paid for by the state? No. But of course, Richard Cooey is privileged - rewarded for having raped and murdered two innocent members of our society. Perhaps if he's concerned that his execution may involve a twinge of discomfort, then he would obviously be as concerned that the executions of his two victims were undoubtedly excruciating.

This hypocrite is making a mockery of the justice system of America, and we're letting it happen.  I can understand a ban on cruel and unusual punishment, but this is simply beyond reason. We're fighting tooth and nail to ensure that a rapist murderer has a more serene, pain-free death than even the most privileged free American who dies from natural causes like a painful heart attack. This anguish-causing murderer is arguing that he's entitled to a last meal of his choice that is cooked to order, a privilege that few of us mere mortals will obtain. UPDATE - He chose to consume a last meal that consisted of T-bone steak with A-1 sauce, onion rings, French fries, four eggs over easy, toast with butter, hash browns, a pint of rocky road ice cream, a Mountain Dew soft drink and authentic bear claw pastries from the bakery. He will also get the opportunity to spend his final minutes as the world's media eagerly lines up to distribute his last words of wisdom to a listening world, a privilege that few of us mere mortals ever obtain. He is telling us that he should be allowed to pass peacefully and blissfully unaware into the gentle hands of death, a privilege that few of us mere mortals will obtain.  And don't forget that with his death being scheduled, he will have plenty of time to put his affairs in order and to mentally prepare for his final moments, a privilege that few of us mere mortals will obtain.

I have the answer. Kill the guy. Walk up to him, pull out a knife without warning, watch his eyes get big, and slit his throat. Let him suffer for 3 1/2 minutes, one minute for every hour he tortured his victims, and it's all over. Or if you want to be unusually nice to him, slice his head off. Or hang him from a rope. Or shoot him with a gun or bow and arrow until he's dead. These are all relatively painless compared to being raped and murdered like his victims. At least he doesn't have to worry about drawing and quartering, burning at the stake, being torn apart by wild animals, or being forced to drink water until his stomach bursts (all means used to kill Christian martyrs).

No wonder Jesus Christ will return to the world in wrath. We fail to execute justice, so he's going to do it for us. He's going to come and trample the wicked underfoot. And yes, they will feel pain! Pain for all the pain they've caused. A recompense for all the injustice they've arrogantly served to their victims. Pain for all the venerable old ladies they've swindled. Pain for all the people they've raped. Pain for all the lives they've prematurely ended. Pain for all the children they've molested. God's wrath will fall with a vengeance. And only those of us who repent of our wrongdoing and trust in Jesus' atonement will escape this wrath. God's anger against wrongdoing will be poured out full force, because we fail to get angry about injustice. Instead, we get angry that rapist murderers who grew fat on free prison food might possibly experience a twinge of pain as their lives are being terminated. Talk about straining out a gnat but swallowing a camel.

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