Non-citizens of the United States

In the article Would Immortality be Ethical, it is stated,
" the United States, the right to life is considered something that every person is entitled to..."
This statement is incorrect because the United States judiciary (no, not the legislature) has declared an entire class of persons to be non-citizens, and therefore not protected under the constitutional rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The cumulative number of these non-citizen persons whose lives we have collectively murdered in the U.S. exceeds 33 million. UPDATE: 50 million. This makes the holocaust look like a walk in the park. I am speaking of the unborn - killed not to save the life of a mother, but killed for the sake of convenience. It is another example of using the exception (saving a handful of women who would die from illegal abortions) to justify the rule (abortion for convenience). No wonder the wrath of God, prophesied in the book of Revelation, is coming.

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