The incredible universe inside the cell

Stunning new animation has been developed that visualizes the automated molecular machinery which Jesus Christ has created, and on which your life depends. Do you want scientific evidence for the existence of God? Well, first you must be honest with yourself about the information you observe, instead of artifically imposing naturalistic limits on the origin of information-rich systems. Limiting our explanatory powers to such naturalistic causes cannot account for the existence of a PC or Ford F-150, because these systems required intelligent designers to produce them. In the same way, we must not presume that an explanation that invokes intelligent design cannot account for the similarly sophisticated systems found in molecular biology. Besides, there is no empirical scientific evidence proving that life did not have a designer. So keep your mind open to the possibility as you watch this video, and ask yourself if the existence of these systems makes sense from an evolutionary worldview.

Evolution has no vested interest in any given outcome for an organism. That is, to evolution, survival is no more desirable an outcome than nonsurvival. And nonsurvival as an outcome is extremely more likely than survival given the laws of physics, chemistry, and electromagnetism. If we are brutally honest about the living structures we observe, we must conclude that life is the most unnatural thing that exists in the universe, because life must constantly harness energy in a purposeful fashion to impose order upon the random structure present everywhere throughout the universe. Therefore, random mutations and natural selection are pitifully lacking in explanatory power when compared to the known, observed production of systems of similar sophistication (Dell PCs and Ford F-150s) created by intelligent causes.
As an aside, Dr. James Watson (co-discoverer of DNA's structure) seemed to think that because life's mechanics are not supernatural, there is not a God, stating "If we don't play God, who will?" While it's true that life's molecular mechanisms don't break the laws of physics or chemistry, neither do the innards of PCs or F-150s. Yet this fact does not preclude the possibility that intelligent agents designed and constructed these systems. The sophisticated and purposeful ways in which biological molecular systems harness the laws of physics reveals an imposition of structure upon matter so ingenious than it cannot be explained by random mutations.

View the video and be in awe:

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